Latest Episodes

Acts 28: 11-31
We conclude our podcast series on the Acts of the Apostles as we read Acts 28: 11-31. Paul finally arrives in Rome where he...

Acts 27: 39-44 to Acts 28: 1-10
In this episode we span two chapters from Acts 27: 39-44 to Acts 28: 1-10. After the storm, the ship becomes stuck just off...

Acts 27: 1-38
In this episode we read Acts 27: 1-38. Paul sets sail for Rome in the company of a centurion of the Augustan Cohort named...

Acts 26: 1-32
In this episode we read Acts 26: 1-32. Paul makes his defence to King Agrippa in the face of accusations from the Jews. He...

Acts 25: 1-27
In this episode we read Acts 25: 1-27. The chief priests and the principal men of the Jews lay out their case against Paul...

Acts 23: 12-35 to Acts 24: 1-30
In this episode we span two chapters from Acts 23: 12-35 to Acts 24: 1-30. Upon hearing of a plot to kill Paul, the...